j/k what is the link for the stick fighting flash movie?
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j/k what is the link for the stick fighting flash movie?
wut hi
Mulrine sucks :(
mul mul!
I hate Weeples with a passion!
wuh hi aedail
Fudorm > Famor so sry :(
eomer! where you been bud :)
hippos i hate you too :p
Well I uh, quit the game for a month or two, then ended up coming back. Seemed like a good idea at the time, and it was, but now that summer is over and friends are going back to school, I figured wtf, why not.
I also missed your excellent virtual hummers :(
heh that guy has made a bunch of those movies. I forget where they all can be found. Quality entertainment however.
Mulrine :D
Oobshi sucks~ ninja mul back!
medion :|
Weeple :|
why is this back again? :/
err why is this back again >_< oh and i never posted thanks....i think i forgot about this thread after i posted it. Medion why so pull from the dead :confused:. zar so sry mulrine is a lvl 1 chanter on my account now hoh there is only meznya. And yes oobshi sucks! arcius i miss the days of you being a newb and me looking down on you....my how the tables have turned :mad:
Mulrine sounds really similar to Eomer!
Fuckers wouldn't restore the character cause I reserved the name, claim it erased backups.
you reserved the name do what now....
Hiyas Medion how ya been dude?:)
i never got a virtual hummer from mul :( i feel left out and in the dark.
Mulrine liekz menz. :eek:
kane is just mad he is a ranger =/.....and kenju we have some catching up to do :o
I like blabuk~