Welp Here is me~ Vinen
Really bad picture half asleep right now as I took it with friends Digital Camera.
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Welp Here is me~ Vinen
Really bad picture half asleep right now as I took it with friends Digital Camera.
I plan on shaving Soon :|
eh what the heck
i can use this and make a eqfaces account
please save us all
I'm glad your detox isn't going so bad Vinen! And zappo, the sign of a digital camera newbie is CAPTURING EVERYTHING IN 823892x84273217321 pixels and posting your 3 meg jpeg to a forum!
lol wtf make that pic smaller
Yeah, well, you knew I'd post this...
How you'll see me at the Oscars either next year or the year after. Unless I stick with the Hawaiian shirt thing...
Well here's me.
If I got it to work.
You're a gnome!
what does that mean exactly
gnome or human...i c hoohoos!
boys are easily amused
lets Rave
Someone feed that boy!
Well, you could always offer him an egg...
You'll do no such thing!
Vestax=perpetually wearing a wife beater
kk, the better half... also the reason i aint playin eq :(
Is she a mime?