Rotation Schedule
Trak - Hoss (T-NI P1-10/08), NI (T-Hoss 10/04), L`Malla (10/09), VE (added 10/10), GAP (10/13), ML (10/16), IG (10/01)
CT - Hoss (10/04), L`Malla (10/08), Vind (P3 - 10/15), ML (10/16)
Zland - Hoss (T-L`Malla 10/09?), IG (Added 10/10), L`Malla (T-Hoss 9/29), Vind (10/10), ML (10/16)
Dain - ML (9/28), Hoss (P3 - 10/10), Vind (10/10), L`Malla (9/24)
Ragefire {Naggy Due 10/16} - ML (8/27), GAP (10/12 out of turn), Hoss(T - 9/6 ), VE (9/9), NI (9/12), L`Malla (T - VH 9/14), Vind (P1-10/16), IG (), TR (joined 8/25)
Sev - IG (T-Hoss 9/24), L`Malla(10/11), NI (T - Vind 9/13), GAP (T-VE 9/29), Vindi (T - CN 9/13), Hoss (T-IG), VE (T-GAP)
Tormax - Vindi (), Hoss (10/15)
Dozekar - Hoss (10/16), IG (F - 10/15), Vind (P1-10/16)
Lend - Vindi (10/04), Hoss (10/08), L'Malla (Added 10/09) ML (10/15)
ST Warders - ML (10/12), Vind(T-Hoss P1 10/11), Hoss (T-Vind 10/10)
Klandicar - Hoss (P2-10/04), ML (10/05), Vind (F2 w/L`Malla 10/03?)
You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down
also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in
I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated
There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.
[Brackets] are temporary removals from rotations.
Based on the guidelines, removing Vind from the Dozekar, Sontalak, and Yelinak rotations due to 3 passes in a row.
Based on the guidelines, removing ML from the Statue rotation due to 3 passes in a row.
Per Dlgoth request, removind L`Malla from Kland and Lend rotations.
Removing Sontalak from rotations, based on frequent passing by most guilds involved with him.
ST added to rotations.
Removing Statue and Yelinak from rotations, based on frequent passing by most guilds involved with them.
Removed Seekers from all rotations other than Ragefire, per Indecisive's request in another thread.
Changed all instances of CN to NI per guild name change.
Removed VH from rotations per guild disbanding.
Removing Seekers from Ragefire, per no IGB representation/notification. If/when they get a new rep, they can be re-added.
Added L`Malla to the Lend rotation.
Added IG to the Zlandicar rotation.
Added VE to the Trak rotation.
Current Rotations:
Trak = IG
CT = Hoss
Zlan = Hoss
Dain = L`Malla
Ragefire = IG
Sev = NI
Tormax = Vind
Doze = IG
Lend = Vind
ST = Hoss
Klan = ?
Just an update to Ragefire
Dunhere killed his ragefire last night. Hes the cleric from VH that we all agreed to let have it.
So woohoo...were back on track. Vind your up next...please keep an eye on him. If your short on ppl please give IG a tell and well help out.
Excellent news, Than.
Also, we removed Trak from Sebilis last night (ok ok, my guild removed Trak while I sat afk at the seb bubble in TT...)
The gods have once again decided to make sure we get the short end of the stick, and gave us a whopping 2 teeth last night :(.
If ANYONE on the trak rotation doesn't mind giving up some teeth, please let me know, I have a handful or two of people just waiting on a tooth, and after last weekend, those that didn't have a tooth and were forced to listen to us in VP got all jealous-liek and wanna go now too :)
Heh Dlgoth, welcome to our world. We've got 5-10 people waiting on teeth as well, some for almost 3 months thanks to 3 toothed Trakapunk.
Glad he went down though, and that he's only a 3 day spawn, not sure when ML will do VP again though, it's just not the same after N ToV, even if some decent caster and monk gear drops there.
I haven't heard yet, how was the trip first time in?
Heard Dain popped up last night with a Hammer, dunno how hard he's hitting though.
Good luck with him Hoss.
First trip was decent, did Silverwing, Hoshkar, Xygoz, and Druushk. Got tired trying to figure out an easy way to pull Nexona, and didn't feel like giving PD a go at the time since it was about 5am and had it been a blowout, it just would have been more cranky people at that point ;)
Was pretty good though, did the 4 with 30 peeps or under each, and had a blast figuring out some of the pulls (did Xygoz and Druushk with a 3 rogue tagteam pull heh).
Didn't hear about Dain being up until late late last night, and Hosslings need lots of beauty sleep, so unfortunately his spawn doesn't coincide with our previous plans for today.
Mark us down as a pass on Dain 10/10 please.
Also, as an FYI - we are planning to attempt a 10th ring war tomorrow, 10/11. Would be best if someone kills Dain tonight, because in the event we fail our ring war tomorrow, he will despawn. =(
Please add IG to the Zlandicar rotation.
Good luck on Klandicar Vind.
Add VE to Trak
Put a post up for this a few days ago, it probably got missed. Please add VE to the Trak rotation.
Aye, did miss it, sorry Grazel. Adding you now.
lol sorry just saw this and got a chuckle...
Current Rotations:
Trak = GAP
CT = Vind
Zlan = Vind
Dain = Vind
Ragefire = Vind
Sev = L`Malla
Tormax = Vind
Doze = IG
Lend = ML
ST = Hoss
Klan = Vind
Vind's gonna be busy! :D
What's the ST status?
Checked last night and Nanzata was dead, but Tukaarak and Hraasnha were sitting there grinning at me.
Someone's been in since the patch, apparently.
ML would like to go in tonight and remove those two dragons unless there's something going on we don't know about.
Also, those dragons really should be killed as close together as possible. ST wasn't designed to be a multi-day raid. Killing them days apart makes it a pain in the butt for the next guild who now has to go down there 2-3 days in a row.
Hoss had a minor case of Daoc-start-tivitis on wednesday and our ST raid went pretty shittily. Only got through 1st warder. Definately didn't go as planned, but stuff like that happens.
We have a lot of people out of town this weekend, myself included, so we won't be heading back to finish warders this time around.
IG gonna be in HoT tonight. Just a friendly heads up.
Sirensa I realize that you like sexual toys, but for the love of god please return the gnome. By now im sure he needs food and water, and a whole lot of sleep.
Just wondering how the ragefire camp is going, seems like we should have heard about him dying again by now.
I am told from different sources that GAP killed him 2 days ago around 9am Eastern.
Can anyone confirm? Any GAP representative can enlighten this board?