Anyone watch this?
I wasn't sure what to think originally, but seeing as I *LOVED* Firefly, I stuck with it.
Thank god. Episode 6 turned this into another fantastic Wheddon show.
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Anyone watch this?
I wasn't sure what to think originally, but seeing as I *LOVED* Firefly, I stuck with it.
Thank god. Episode 6 turned this into another fantastic Wheddon show.
Yea it was pretty slow going for the first few episodes. Lately its been getting better !
Hope the network renews for next season. I am very curious to see where it goes.
It's hard to get wrapped into a character that essentially changes each show.
It has potential, but this may not make a season 2 in my eyes.
Oh man!
It keeps getting better!
The twists and turns are well placed and actually strike home with the viewer who has been watching from the beginning. The bigger picture of just what the Dollhouse is and just how powerful of an entity it has become is fantastic.
Worth a watch, for those of you who aren't watching already.
I agree that it's getting better and more interesting each week.. but I'm worried that the punch of this series just came into the mix too late. After this far into a series (especially something created by Whedon), I'm simply not attached to any of the characters.
Echo/Caroline, even in her pre-Dollhouse existence, wasn't a character that I cared about (honestly, I like Echo more than Caroline).
FBI guy, is mildly interesting but after learning he's been "played" from the start I really don't know what to think about him (by the way, there's a leaked script of Whedon's original pilot episode that essentially booted up the series with pretty much all of the twists and turns that it's taken 8+ episodes to unravel; a much better introduction really).
Echo's keeper... I'm a little curious if he may be the man inside; but it's probably the emotionless boss-lady.
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the show, but I just don't feel that it delivers what I've come to expect from Whedon's previous series. Dollhouse doesn't compare to Firefly, Buffy, or Angel.
I've been far more entertained by the 2nd half of Heroes this season.
IMO, Firefly > Dollhouse > Buffy = Angel, but I'm a weird one.
I'm fairly certain that there is no inside man... if you go back and watch that episode, the emotionless boss lady talks about watching the video feed of Echo multiple times all the way through. She was only out through that one assignment, so we can assume she saw Echo talk to FBI guy.
There are still twists and turns to be had and I particularly liked Ep 8 and the way it was handled. I'm wondering whether or not the call at the end is significant or more of them playing FBI guy.
Buffy > all, how could anyone say a show thats been on for a few weeks is better than a show that was on for almost a decade and was one of the most creative shows of all time?
I can say it because it is my personal opinion... Buffy just never struck a chord with me.
I could never get into the show, despite watching 2 seasons. If I can't get into it by then, what hope do I have?
Angel was similar, though that one perhaps hit a bit deeper.
Firefly and Dollhouse have both piqued my interest, despite their short run time.
Bah doma u where still in grade school when buffy came out !!
That doesn't mean I didn't have the smarts to go back and watch it as I grew older. ;-)
Also, I'm a little disappointed that Fox won't be showing the filmed 13th episode, claiming that the original pilot that was scraped (read: partially cannibalized) counts as one of the episodes. Oh well, the show is continuing to get better and we'll get 12 episodes of goodness...
The 13th episode *WILL* go to the DVD and my guess would be that it winds up hosted on teh intrawebz sometime too.
Have they already announced that it won't be renewed?
No, they haven't gone that far.
They have stated that the show isn't doing well... I believe their term was "on its' last legs". Could mean anything... the show *has* been gaining in ratings (thank you, EP6), so maybe there is still hope.
Dollhouse beat out Terminator: Sarah Conor Chronicles on last week's episode (not last nights').
Firefly > All other TV shows ever made... That is all
It has been better the last few episodes, but I still find myself not caring about any of the Characters. The networks always screw with Whedon to the point of messing things up. This show is missing what made Buffy and Angel so cool to watch.. Interesting characters and humor. It definately has the sexy thing going for it.
The last episode of the season was pretty good. It was starting to build a good head of steam. I hope it gets a second season.
Interesting that multiple brains can be downloaded at once. Does it switch randomly or when they need them. Interesting but I would think it'd make them mad.
I enjoyed this episode though as the series is getting better. The acting on Alpha being fake was very well done.
Hasn't it already proven that it makes them mad? At least, thats what I would think having watched any and all interactions involving Alpha and any of the footage with the multi-Echo...
I still love this series and I can't wait for the DVD release//next season(!!! I hope)
I think one Alpha's personalities was "special", not him becoming such things. Just my 2cp though as i was doing 5 things while watching it.
It didn't make them quite mad.
The way i read into it that your core being is not over wrote so to speak. So u could have set personalities down loaded but your core one would still color it. Alpha was a nut case so no matter what he had downloaded into him his pretension for being a serail murder was always their.
Its a very interesting premise to say the least. I think the tech for doing something like that is not far off as peeps think. Maybe less then 100 years even.
Though much shorter if some type of pressure is applied (war,major species threatening disaster)
CSI:Miami> all
because in miami they never close
and they always blame the victim
Btw dollhouse gets a second season :)
Wonder if the unrealeased 13Th epsiode of season one will be shown before the start of the 2nd season