Rotation Schedule
You know the drill - follow with confirmed dates when mob is down. Also double check to be sure you are in the rotations you want to be in. I know it is a pain sometimes - but please post a quick note when a mob is taken down by your guild so we can keep the rotation updated.
There are now some (P) up there on various mobs, based on the fact they lived through the days those guilds were due for them. I'll be putting the dates with them and the F's as well.
<table border="0" width="97%" align="top" valign="top">
<td valign="top">
Hoss (P1-12/13)
NI (T-Vind F1 12/6)
Vind (T-NI P1 12/5)
L`Malla (P1-12/7)
NK (P1-12/9)
VE (P1-12/10)
GAP (F1-12/11)
ML (12/11)
IG (P1-12/11)
IG (T-Hoss 9/24)
TR (added 10/26)
NI (11/4)
GAP (T-NI 10/27)
Vindi (11/13)
NK (added 11/17)
TV (added 11/19)
DSO (added 11/21)
VE (11/30)
Ragefire - Nagafen Due 12/13
ML (10/24)
TV (added 10/25)
GAP (10/12 out of turn)
DSO (Added 11/5)
Hoss (11/7)
VE (11/10)
NI (11/12)
SoS (added 11/14)
L`Malla (11/15)
NK (added 11/17)
Vind (11/18)
CDO (added 11/21)
Seekers (11/23)
Honed (added 11/27)
IG (12/1)
TR (10/22)
Hoss (P1-12/10)
L`Malla (12/11)
IG (P1-12/12)
Vind (P1-12/13)
ML (12/9)
Hoss (11/15)
IG (F2-11/21)
L`Malla (11/23)
Vind (11/29)
NI (added 11/8)
ML (11/9)
Vindi (P1-12/10)
IG (F1-12/11)
ML (P1-12/12)
Hoss (RP - 12/9)
<td valign="top">
L`Malla (12/12)
Hoss (P2-12/10)
Vindication (P2-12/11)
IG (12/11)
ML (11/23)
Hoss (F1-11/29)
Vind (11/30)
L`Malla (11/14)
Hoss (12/9)
IG (12/10)
NI (P1-12/11)
Vind (P1-12/12)
Vindi (P1-12/12)
Hoss (12/12)
L'Malla (12/10)
ML (P1-12/11)
Hoss (11/21)
NI (F1-11/25)
ML (11/26)
Vind (11/29)
L`Malla (11/15)
ML (11/25)
Vindication (11/29)
L`Malla (12/2)
Hoss (P1-11/24)
ML (P2-12/10)
Vind (P2-12/11)
Hoss (P6-12/12)
L`Malla (P5-12/10)
ST Warders
ML (12/9)
L`Malla (12/10)
Vind (P1-12/11)
Hoss (P2-12/12)
Hoss (11/15-11/17)
L`Malla (11/23-11/30)
ML (12/5-12/8)
Vind (12/9-?)
Vind (11/26)
ML (12/1)
<hr width="97%">
Current Rotations:
Trak = NI {Vind}
Sev = IG {L`Malla}
Ragefire = TR {ML}
CT = ML {Hoss}
Dain = L`Malla {ML}
Tormax = Hoss {Vind}
Statue = Hoss {Vind}
Doze = Hoss {IG}
Lend = L`Malla {ML}
Zlan = NI {ML}
Klan = L`Malla {Hoss}
Sontalak = Hoss {ML}
Yelinak = L`Malla {ML}
ST = ML {L`Malla}
N ToV = Vind {Hoss}
VRP = Hoss (Vind)
<hr width="97%">
Rotation Changes.
11/5 Added DSO to the Ragefire rotation.
11/7 Added IG to the Statue rotation.
11/8 Added NI to Doze, Zlan, and Klan rotations.
11/14 Added L`Malla to the ST rotation.
11/14 Added SoS to the Ragefire rotation.
11/17 Added Night Kids to the Trak, Sev, and Ragefire rotations.
11/19 Added IG to CT and Tormax rotations.
11/19 Added TV to Sev rotation.
11/20 Removed Hoss from Sev rotation.
11/21 Added CDO to the Ragefire rotation.
11/21 Added DSO to the Sev rotation.
11/27 Added Honed to Ragefire rotation.
12/2 Added VRP to the rotations.
Tormax not spawning.
Kland down.
Yelinak traded with L`Malla, and down.
Got Dozeker to 40% but ran outta steam :(
Not enough could stay late enough for another attempt on a weeknight, so put us down for a big, fat FAIL
Did Yelinak die last night L`malla?
Statue down the 27th.
Pass us, we're obviously busy...
Oh and Aary down again for the doubters...
CT down.
Tormax down.
ST Warders down.
The attempt at Nagafen last night failed. We sent a few ppl to help with resses and buffs.
I guess another attempt at him will be made tongiht. If anyone could send some twinks or some help...that would be cool. Thanks
Talk to Wrait. He's trying to get another Naggy kill going. In fact, I think he's trying assemble it now. I posted on the Druzzil Ro board to Gimmy to contact him as well :)
Naggy is dead. Good luck on Ragefire, IG :)
11/29 - Hoss FAILED Dain :P
Had a really bad night. G'luck whoever is next.
Sev dead 11/30
VE got Sev on 11/30 - our first. Damn he is a wuss, wish he would spawn more often.
Sont up, I think just pop'd
Will be dead post football :)
Trak should have popped 11/30.
Did Hoss kill him that day?
If not, did NI kill him yesterday?
If not, Vind is up I believe.
tormax should read Hoss {Vind} since our last kill was 11/18 and IG was added 11/19.