Michael Birnbaum, Your ideal job is a Trained Assassin.
Birnbaum, Your ideal job is a Muppet Impersonator.
Zappo, Your ideal job is a Dodgem Driver. (thats like bumper cars, right?)
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Michael Birnbaum, Your ideal job is a Trained Assassin.
Birnbaum, Your ideal job is a Muppet Impersonator.
Zappo, Your ideal job is a Dodgem Driver. (thats like bumper cars, right?)
joe, Your ideal job is a Evil boss.
thankfully, if I take the Princess to another castle, noone will find me!
Your ideal job is a Reality TV Show star.
I thought it was all fake, then I got this:
Andaas, Your ideal job is a God.
The fuck
Vinen, Your ideal job is a Hypnotist
Argo, Your ideal job is a President.
Vince, Your ideal job is a Paleantologist.
Vince Stratful, Your ideal job is a Between the hours of 12 and 1pm on days with a W in them.
Aindayen your ideal job is President.
Jeremy, Your ideal job is a Suicide Bomber.
Interesting swing on this. I'm wishing the meanings were switched :(
Keith, Your ideal job is a Prime Minister.
Ktul, Your ideal job is a Sewage Worker.
Ktul Kindbud, Your ideal job is a Stripper.
Fuck this works!
...what the fuck....
Aerothas, Your ideal job is a Prostitute.
Scott, Your ideal job is a Suicide Bomber.
Qaediin, your ideal job is Satan!
But im an angel :confused:
Kirynos, Your ideal job is a Kids TV Show Presenter.
Steve Perrin, Your ideal job is a Emperor of all the world.
Damn, I bet I get much more 'tang using my real name. (Buckets of 'tang and mammal sauce for all!)
Mellifleur, Your ideal job is a Pirate.
No shit! ;)
gemmi, Your ideal job is a Litter Warden.
Daisiee, Your ideal job is a Chef.
Arcius, Your ideal job is a Lumberjack
Aquagnome, Your ideal job is a MSP.
I'd cook a mean dish maccaroni if I were a chef.
Thuggo, Your ideal job is a Professional Hippy.
Chris, Your ideal job is a Quiz Show Contestant.
Ownage, I can be self-righteous and go on game shows for pot money.
Veruca, Your ideal job is a Shoplifting.
Mystrae, Your ideal job is a Superhero.
Stacked, Your ideal job is a Monkey Impressionist.
Mcpickle Deluxe, Your ideal job is a Professional Tramp
Picklepat Pubbawubba, Your ideal job is a Top Gun Pilot
Fang, Your ideal job is a Bearded Lady in the circus.
Thats my WoW char name btw and he's a Tauren Hunter =\=\