Dancing stars have been nerfed :(
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Dancing stars have been nerfed :(
Just after I finally got my 4 dancing stars, the nerf comes in. How very typical :|
nerf ? wth :/
Verant has HACKED our boards!....... VILE BASTICHES!...
woowoo go Andy! Show em what's up. ^^
I might need to nerf my boards too, sah r plevel. :|
Siren I lub....miss j00 :D
wtf why does siren get five shiney purple/pink ones, and I only get one wimpy limp yellow one :/
siren haxxored the board for sure :/
All the stars are shiny, even the gold ones (not yellow.. pfft!).
if you look carefully, the purple stars are dancing toward the left and the yellow ones are dancing toward the right!
That is just too vile!
btw, the dancing purple stars suck ;\ looks like some star with a monitor with a bad bit depth or something!!
I dunno about the pink....
Syana gets a cookie for being the first person to notice *and* point that out. :DQuote:
Originally posted by Syana
if you look carefully, the purple stars are dancing toward the left and the yellow ones are dancing toward the right!
That is just too vile!
stop slacking andy and gimme a custom title ! >:|
Bwahaha I'm already cathing up to Siren's post count :)
This nerf is so like EQ. Sure let the powerposters enjoy their 4 dancing gold stars just cause they get there first, and then when other people get to it, you take it away!! Just like the Emperor upgrade!!!!!
Nooooo must plevel ;)Quote:
Originally posted by Tilea
Bwahaha I'm already cathing up to Siren's post count :)
This nerf is so like EQ. Sure let the powerposters enjoy their 4 dancing gold stars just cause they get there first, and then when other people get to it, you take it away!! Just like the Emperor upgrade!!!!!
Emperor "upgrade" made him easier - and having unique looking uber stars is easier now too!!
Sirensa your vile and mean and cruel and... wtfak lets just sex0r