Last night I was sitting in PoJ looking for a trials group and this ranger named Dervin invites me to a group. A few minutes later he tells me he's getting a hoss cleric to come heal us. Then he starts inviting more hoss, Lonskils, Thuggo and Zatapika all showed up and joined us. We added a Shammy and were about to go in when we suddenly figure out that Dervin tricked the 3 HOSS members into joining by implying he knew one of them to get the other 2 to come.
Right then and there if Lons, Thug, and Zata had left I wouldn't have thought any less of them, but they stuck around in spite of Lonskils headache and we got flagged on our first run through. I felt bad at the circumstances and just wanted to say again that I'm sorry this guy tricked the 3 of you, you showed a lot of class in staying in spite of this.
Thanks for helping. It was much appreciated.