Uh hu hehe gonna try this....

Today Hoss was kinda busy, starting with named drakes in Halls of Testing in ToV. After that Klandicar was our next target, we killed him rather easily and he went down quick.

Talisman (ST Key) went to Famor, grats.

Then we went to Kael to kill Vindi and the Statue of Rallos Zek.
The fight against the Vindicator was a fast one as well, he dropped Boots and of course his head.

Head went to Aularas, and Vidmer got Boots.

Now.... the statue ...
to quote Rhedd, "That was a fun fight!"

The fight started a bit weird but after a few minutes we finally won and were able to loot a switfblade, a breastplate and a cloak.

Swiftblade: Guntak
Breastplate: Famor
Cloak: Kurbi