We are up Than heh, you dont think I'm mad? Waiwai said he told them not to but they didnt listen. Like I said he has no real control.
Damn, Than, why so angry
We are up Than heh, you dont think I'm mad? Waiwai said he told them not to but they didnt listen. Like I said he has no real control.
Damn, Than, why so angry
Zlan dead around 9est the 28th
Thanks Quint. And yes i want curly fries, biggie size.
Sorry, out of curly fries, and Vind used all the salt. Can I interest you in our new stuffed baked potatoes instead?
Ciner, was that a trade with L`Malla, or did they pass/fail?
Um, we sure didn't fail, and I know we didn't pass on it. When did it spawn, why did it spawn 6 days early and why didn't anyone in vindi notify the next guild in line that a rotated mob is up until after you guys were in DN and prepping to engage? I'm not gonna say it was taken out of rotation, but I don't like being skipped over because a GM thought it would be funny to spawn a mob in a seldom used zone and nobody saw fit to notify the next guild in line when it was discovered this was the case. And don't give me the "you should have been watching your spawn" shit, nobody on this board watches a 7 day spawn starting 1 day after it was killed.
I'm not pissed Vindication killed it, but I would like to not be skipped over on it. A trade would work for me, but I refuse to take a pass/fail on a mob that was GM popped and nobody who knew it was up felt it was neccesary to mention it was up.
Jesus on the dashboard
Whenever it feels right
Zlan pop'd 2pm yesterday, I was reminded by a few guildmembers today that it had been more than 24hrs and "lets go get him" so headed on down and got it done.
I have np with officially it being a trade if others are ok with it.
GM's have been popping dragons all weekend like it's going out of style. Kunark dragons were spawning every 6 hours. Hell Zland could already be up again. I've been reading stories of other servers....Guild killed trak, then a dwarf spawns and says "oh you think you killed him?" and he respawns. Another guild said there were THREE traks in the lair. One guild killed sont, then zland, came out, sont was back.
Honestly it's hard to complain about it much this weekend due to the GM events. Hell We did CT what? Tuesday...they spawned a version of him friday for TR, and Hoss just killed him again last night?
Personally, I wish it was always like this, less disputes, but it's just for this weekend during their misc events for Halloween.
VE encountered the clockwork dragon in WW, believe they said they "drowned him", where as on other servers guilds say they actually killed him.
Didn't Vind have an ancient dragon spawn on them in VP saturday night? Other servers had him spawn at Vhemm prep.
Crazy weekend I tell ya, and hella fun.
70 Rogue/GM of L`Malla
Was wondering status on Yelinak, Klan, Sont.
FYI spoke to Andaas earlier and Hoss is going to kill warders Monday.
Well.. we'll do the warders if they're up.
Sorry for the tone of the above post, have had problems logging in all friggin day for some reason, I was able to connect long enough to find out about Zland then promptly get booted again, so my nerves were a tad edgy. Trade is cool, just didn't want to get passed on it. At the least, the rotation will be 5 days faster this time around![]()
Jesus on the dashboard
Whenever it feels right
Sont Klan Yel? Anyone out there? Need to know if anything is up to plan our day...
CT dead.
Sont / Kland are up. Couldn't get Kland with 36... never got around to Sont.
Yelinak lived, wouldn't reset as normal, and survived us with that hated invisible red / in his life.
Updating the rotation regarding Yel, Sont, Klan, etc, etc.
Rotation is updated and current to here Andaas.
Blah, I'm looking at Trak and it says we passed...We killed him Saturday![]()
Sorry for not posting heh.
70 Rogue/GM of L`Malla
Fixed it Dlgoth, thanks.
Says Hoss is after ML in NToV, think you skipped us =\