L`malla, Rezz specificly.
L`malla, Rezz specificly.
Should have addressed it to me specificly since I was the one accusing you of taking zland out of rotation. I wasn't on Sunday for more than a few minutes, and I guess I didn't get the whole story on what happened, but my statement technicly stands, it was out of rotation, but apparently there was a trade. If zland was up 24hrs~ like you say then you did in fact do us a favor and I thank you for the trade.
You folks should put a mule there.
It sucks seeing spawns going to waste, especially in the case of Zlan who if you do not kill in a certian time despawns.
That is why we went immediatly once the 24hr window had elappsed.
Hoss killed zlan on friday. Why would Lmalla check on zlan on sat? I mean he normally is a 5day spawn is he not? And if u had an eye witness that zlan was up for 28hours why didnt you say anything on sat? That would have been the courteous thing to do is it not? I mean It was IG who was checking on YOUR ragefire while you were off in ntov was it not? And pretty sure more than one zland was killed this weekend. But hey what do I know.
Lets be nice and stop being such fucking pricks.
Thanatoz the Tyrant
I heard Night Kids ganked Zlandicar yesterday - dunno if it is true or not but that's the rumor.
I think in the future we need to make it a rule that guild's cannot use a monthly pass on ntov mobs. Period. If you have to pass on other mobs you are up for rotation-wise on the first day of your NToV raid - so be it. Let someone else have something to kill too. (before you flame me - I said FUTURE - every raid AFTER this current ML slot - forget ML this time, it's as good as done).
Just a reminder - Next Tuesday - the night before patch day - is Druzzil's scheduled TOT3 event. I noticed ML and Vindication (as well as Hoss) all have teams entered. Good luck in advance everyone.
As far as ragefire goes, I logged a monk and checked the lair every couple hours for the 3 days prior to patch.. never showed his face
Yes Than the same courtesy L`malla showed the rotation when they killed 4ish Sev's this weekend, as I was recently informed.
Not cool...
4!!!!! eee gad! so vile, so whoreish, so lame.
Im taking back all my gnomes...you all can die.
so the rumors are true that hoss killed 4 vulaks!? Sirensa u bad bad girl!
Thanatoz the Tyrant
I WISH we killed 4 sevs this weekend! LOL. We killed sev saturday night, which was GM controlled, which you were aware of because we were discussing it at the time. I believe moments later you guys had a gm controlled dragon spawn on you as well.
I didn't think to mention it as a rotation spawn since it was GM controlled and not a normal sev, but if you want to call it a rotation spawn then skip us next sev.
70 Rogue/GM of L`Malla
Dont lie the rumors say 4!!@
HAHA damn dude i feel all special now! People starting rumors about mah guild! phear mah! ROFL
70 Rogue/GM of L`Malla
Not tryin to start anything, but does anyone on this board check weeklong spawns every 3 hours after the mob was just killed? Anyway, fine fine, I'll park a mule down there~ on average, we check mobs every few hours a day or so before it's expected spawntime up till it pops, Zland wasn't supposed to pop 20 hours after he just died (going by precedence here.. he um, doesn't normally to my knowledge) so we weren't checking, we'll rectify that.
Jesus on the dashboard
Whenever it feels right
Andaas -
I don't care why you say you designed that "rule".
ML doesn't agree to it.
I think that as a test, it's a fine way to "gain admission" as I've already said.
The IGB is not a governing body. It's not a mini-NATO. Majority does not rule. This is a place where we schedule events, and try to get a long as best we can. If all the guilds cannot agree on a particular incarnation of the guidelines, then we must work to make sure that all do.
The Aary rule as you propose it is not acceptable to Mythic.
On the other hand, our normal modus operandi is to go for Aary first, anyway.
However, we're not going to be bound by it.
We'll do NToV in any order we please. Sometime, heck, we may not kill him at all.
Yes, ML agrees we should adhere to rules, once we agree on them.
Read my lips. Mythic doesn't agree to that proposed rule. We asked you to *propose* some guidelines that we would think about. ML thought about it, and ML doesn't don't like that one. Strike it. Mythic Legion, once a proven force in ML, has no reason nor need to "prove" anything
Mythic plans to always go into NToV in our rotation slot. Mythic will kill the dragons in whatever order we please.
Mythic is not going to argue this point again. If you want to ratify rules on NToV, then modify that proposal.
Warders dead Oct 31st... but we just started CT too late were running on fumes.
Going to use our month extention thing on it and get him tomorrow. Tell me if any probs.
Status on Lend and Doz?
If we don't use the "Aaryonar" rule as an early failure indicator for NToV, how about this then:Andaas -
I don't care why you say you designed that "rule".
ML doesn't agree to it.
The raiding guild must kill a minimum of two (2) of the 15 named mobs (listed in rule 2), each raid day, failure to do so will result in failure/forfeiture of the given raid, and control of the zone will be passed to the next guild in the rotation. Accomodations will be made if respawn issues restricts a guild from killing sufficient dragons.
A guild can build up a buffer of kills during their raid (ie, kill 3 dragons on day 1, and 1 dragon on day 2 is acceptable). However, in the event a guild is using a kill buffer, they are still required to kill 1 dragon on that given day. This is to prevent a guild from taking a "free ride" in the middle of their raid to kill spawns outside of NToV.
The above is much more strict than the simplistic Aaryonar rule I proposed. However, I feel it is necessary for a raid zone such as NToV to have a rule that may lead to a premature failure for the raiding guild.
Like I said before - we all have bad days/weeks, and the intention here is to make those bad days result in the failing guild leaving the zone. It keeps the rotation moving along faster.