Registered User

Hey I just want to say that what happened at our statue raid last night was really lame. I realize that ppl want to help or just hang out when other guilds are doing statue to get the good faction hit. But what happened last night was unaceptable.
I mean on our Vind pull we had rogues from Vindication over agroing and getting summoned while we are fighting. WTF, dude thats not trying to get a faction hit thats just flat being asses. I myslef would never impose on someones raid without asking first. For the most part Hoss asks and I usually could care less. But my god 20+ vindication ppl there to "help" out? fuck that. You want to leech faction from the very same gimp guild who doesnt deserve to be on these rotations?...thats funny.
Then I ask for Vind to leave and oooohhh here comes the flames, the insults, the great comments from your all mighty members. I really loved that.
In the future if Vind and Hoss are going to try AoW on our statue raid then pls cant you wait outside in WL? I mean is takes a whole 3 seconds for ppl to zone in and get to arena. But having over 130 ppl in the zone with 30 VE 40Vind 40 Hoss all in the arena or near it doesnt help with lag one single bit. I still dont know how we won, the statue was this blinking mob warping everywhere the whole fight. was just fucking gay.
I dont mind ppl wanting the faction hit, just ask me first. I do mind 20+ ppl unanounced showing up giving me there "help" when I really dont want it.
As I can only speak for Hoss, I will say that while we will continue trying AOW as much as possible, I can promise we'll try to stay out of the immediate arena area during any other guild's Statue raid.
Last thing we would want to happen is for someone to fail the Statue due to lag issues since we are dependant upon his death for the AOW to spawn.
If you ever seen any unwelcome Hosslings lurking around to leech faction and causing problems, just let me know and I will tell them to leave.
Registered User

I spoke to Gimmy last night at around 5 est. I asked him to speak to an officer, he informed me he was. I then asked him if it was cool if we did aow after your statue. He said it was fine. He even offered for some classes to help us if we wanted it. I then logged off after posting what time you guys were dropping statue on my guildmotd. I was not back on till 11 est. Im very sorry Vindi interfered with your statue / vindicator kill, it was not my intent and had I been on I wouldve informed them to stay away from the area so you could kill w/o lag, I thought everything was settup and it would have been common sense to stay away, im sorry once again that this happened and for future AoW's after people's statues we will stay at the WL zone area or on the other side of arena so you can fight without us in the immediate area. Once again im sorry. If you wish to contact me further and discuss this my AIM name is JAYS754, I should be on there for a bit later. Sorry about this I know how frustrating it can be. As sirensa said the last thing we want are for people to fail when we need them to win for AoW to spawn.
For what its worth...
The statue has been bugged like that on the last 2 Hoss statue raids. There seems to be a problem with him popping in and out like that if he has been aggro and trying to run to a group at the bridge for too long (I think it is something tied into Verant's "If I can't path to you directly I'm going to warp to you" code).
I suppose there have been alot of people in Kael on those last 2 raids of ours too though, but I can't say there was more than maybe 18-24 people in the general arena area.
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