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Thread: Who's the Best..

  1. #201
    LOl i couldnt resist

    I ran across it on goggle actually looking for my old eq character
    Elkwood Level 70 Druid

  2. #202
    Bard? Bolien

    Cleric? Rolist only because of that time in fear with CoE and he was the only cleric and we made him play all night~ old school

    Druid? andaas

    Enchanter? nesuril

    Magician? orrlaar by far

    Monk? Isomas

    Necromancer? Cinder

    Paladin? no comment

    Ranger? aedail

    Rogue? exxile

    Shadow Knight? dharrk

    Shaman? vegar

    Warrior? drakky is my idol

    Wizard? montaro is my favorite but torrid is by far the best

    most tactical-drakky and orrlaar...punks

    most of you hoes prolly dont even remember me

  3. #203
    The woman who molested Chester Hailie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Hailie
    Well..These are people I've had experiences with and who I think is the best. Some aren't in top guilds but that doesn't make you the best.

    Bard: Garal
    Cleric: Baalzebuth
    Druid: Wolfbyte
    Enchanter: Mintin
    Magician: Arcius
    Monk: Zyklan
    Necromancer: Saardiart (now on Stormhammer)
    Paladin: Lola
    Ranger: Jodo
    Rogue: Luxar
    Shadow Knight: Valgar
    Shaman: Korhal
    Warrior: Drakky
    Wizard: Dmitriiy

    Friendliest: Mintin
    Most Tactical: Luxar
    Funny: Wena
    AFK: Udna
    Flirty: Kronagar
    Outspoken: Wolfbyte
    I just couldn't help but laugh when I read my list.

    Bard: Garal
    Cleric: Baalzebuth
    Druid: Wolfbyte
    Enchanter: Mintin
    Magician: Arcius
    Monk: Zyklan
    Necromancer: Saardiart (now on Stormhammer)
    Paladin: Lola
    Ranger: Jodo
    Rogue: Luxar
    Shadow Knight: Valgar
    Shaman: Korhal
    Warrior: Drakky
    Wizard: Dmitriiy (wtf??? and I still have no idea what I was thinking on that one.)

    Friendliest: Mintin
    Most Tactical: Luxar
    Funny: Wena
    AFK: Udna
    Flirty: Kronagar
    Outspoken: Wolfbyte
    Constance 90 Warrior
    Nevederia 90 Druid

    Hailie Jade 70 Bedazzler
    Preshis Happy`hug 65 Overlord

  4. #204
    Nice work pailie =\

  5. #205
    anyone remember Jodo's mage name? Damn that guy had skills.
    "I have often had the impression that, to penguins, man is just another penguin--different, less predictable, occasionally violent, but tolerable company when he sits and minds his own business."

  6. #206
    Administrator Andaas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varran
    anyone remember Jodo's mage name? Damn that guy had skills.
    Firanja - Medicor Mortuus
    Andaas Taranis - Druidicus Corpsus
    Andae - Clericus Inanimis

  7. #207
    Dmitry I used to look up to him, then one day he told me he mastrubated to my toon and I got so creapped out I didnt log in for 2 weeks.
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by Lonskils
    Dmitry I used to look up to him, then one day he told me he mastrubated to my toon and I got so creapped out I didnt log in for 2 weeks.
    Must Try this


  9. #209
    The woman who molested Chester Hailie's Avatar
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    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lonskils
    Dmitry I used to look up to him, then one day he told me he mastrubated to my toon and I got so creapped out I didnt log in for 2 weeks.
    Same thing happened to me. Though, I still got stuck in ae groups with him and tried to talk as little as possible.
    Constance 90 Warrior
    Nevederia 90 Druid

    Hailie Jade 70 Bedazzler
    Preshis Happy`hug 65 Overlord

  10. #210
    PANTS!!!!!! Aindayen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003
    FG rocked!


  11. #211
    My word, this thread is ancient. Beyond ancient.

  12. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by Aindayen
    FG rocked!

    Fg..... Man as a shaman this place was Evil.... No better place too grind AA`s but jesus christ how boring, Forty must remember this... Slow, Cast epic, Pox, Jbb jbb jbb jbb ......

    Lol the joys of a shaman

  13. #213
    PANTS!!!!!! Aindayen's Avatar
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    May 2003
    I used to duo it with Wyndee. Was a ton of fun. We'd pull 2 shroom patches per aoe. Think we had one aa every 22 mins, each

    I also was in those crazy ass mankubus groups where half the FG zone was pulled. Met a lot of wizards back then. I think this started my enjoyment of the wizard pull!

    Nothing will beat PoF aoe though. I thought they were kidding when they said the first field was inc. Must of gotten 3-5 AA per pull lol.


  14. #214
    Guild Asshole Tarissa's Avatar
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    Atlanta, GA
    Fuck you guys, this isn't post your myspace friends list!

  15. #215
    Contagious Ktul's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    In a house
    actually it was Murdoc~ I always like Jodo but he was a bit of a drama queen

  16. #216
    Hi Tool! Dmit was a 13 year old pervert, I think he told me the same thing when I used to AE seb with him...something about him masturbating while playing and watching us in a different view. Think I told him not to zip up his foreskin and he says "whats a foreskin?"

  17. #217
    Omg people jack off over the internet?!

  18. #218
    Bard: Windle was the best bard, when he wasn't pissed about something and actually tried

    Cleric: I was always partial to Demii and Shinare. Two great clerics and people all around.

    Druid: Ciner and Andaas. Would love to see them work together on something.

    Enchanter: Hafez, Hali, Mystrae, Twing. Hafez cause he was the first enchanter I played with, Hali cause I simply respected him for some reason, and Twing cause he's a drunk and shouldn't have been playing, but would still do his job when things went wrong. Myst, though, is easily the best enchanter to me =)

    magician: Rillo and Zarxen. Great friends, always fun to be with, miss you guys.

    Monk: Brithrax, Bodhidharma. Brith was a great monk, especially when he tried. Sometimes took off, but when he was on he could pull anything. Bodhi was simply bodhi.

    Necromancer: Cryonax and Cinder. Cryonax was the best. Cinder, Aside from all his faults, was definitely a good necro; one of the best.

    Paladin: Scrith, Lola. Scrith is the friendliest guy you can meet, someone that truly embodies what a Paladin should be. He is always trying to help others and really did his research when it came to Paladin issues back in the day. He works so hard and I will always remember how many times I had to help him kill Lucan before he could get his light stick. Lola was a great Paladin as well; I still remember the screenshot of Lola and Scrith in identical equipment sitting next to each other in Hate. What memories.

    Ranger: Celty, Lyynch, Supa, Jaelceti. Celty and Lyynch were inseperable early on in EQ. They helped start ML with myself and a few others. Great characters, lots of fun. Supa was simply THE ranger back on Fennin Ro. Jaelceti was a good friend and someone I really wish had kept in contact.
    Oh and andri's ok too.

    Rogue: Rogaar, kanf, Shik. Rogaar(sp?) and kanf were good players and just fun to play with. Shik, despite what he turned into, was a fun loving kid and I will always remember him as that person.

    Shadow Knight: Helminth. Fun fun fun in a fatty!

    Shaman: Forty, Hammur, Svolthoh. I truly respect Forty as a person and he was a damn good shaman to boot. Hammur was fun loving, never complaining kind of guy, always ready to buff when a cleric called. Svolthoh was the original Fennin uber shaman.

    Warrior: Khanriale. No one came close to matching her =) Sorry PONY!

    Wizard: Prefect, Fazar, Nuuk, Enuo. Pre and Faz were founding members of ML. Was a blast to play this game with them. Nuuk was the best wizard easily. Enuo because he tried so hard to get to know me.

  19. #219
    OMG sera!!!

    How you doing?

    Twing > Ubar

  20. #220
    Hoss / EQ Maegwin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Stafford, Virginia
    My memorable EQ friends and acquaintences

    Cleric: Varran, Rolist, Sendain, Gryfalia, Lexi, Poppa, Fizbain
    Druid: Nettle and her Kegpopper, Andaas, Aelia.
    Shaman: Forty, Vegar, Kallsex, Vilebear, Sakekak!
    Ranger: Kaed (I used to give her roses), Tilea, Aed, Jodo, Slippy, Samuel, Gheltire, Andriana.
    - Samuel was my role model and hero for basically giving me a whole bunch of Tolans way back when I was a starry eyed - hoss wannabe.
    Rogue: Tarissa, Talan
    Shadowknight: Buazag, Thuggo, Vidmer the vile.
    Paladin: Scrith, Kattoo, Lola
    - Kattoo ran to the corners of EQ to rez my ass after I died soloing or being stupid so many times I can't count. Scrith was the nicest guy you could ever meet. He came to my aid when no others would.
    Warrior: Thanatoz, Anfini, Elidroth
    Necromancer: Nodd, Stacked, Thunderclap ( we used to duo in HoH ), Turgwath!
    Wizard: Nuuk, Burnem was cool at times despite has penchant for being a big ass .
    Monk: Zyklan, Coral
    Mage: Tarkum, Skymir, Jago(Wolfbyte)
    Enchanter: Nesuril, Aundine, Abyena, Novaburst ( oh god, did I just say that? ).
    Bard: Derasi, Waright
    Beastlord: Whats that?

    Funniest? Sendain, Peotr
    Most tactical: Torrin, Coral
    Friendliest: Scrith, Tilea
    AFK: Qaediin
    Flirty: Nettle, that ho
    Outspoken: too many to count
    Last edited by Maegwin; 06-03-2006 at 09:48 AM.

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