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Thread: Slightly Off Topic: Scanning Pictures for Display

  1. #1
    MANGLING FACES in PVP. Kirynos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Slightly Off Topic: Scanning Pictures for Display

    I'm putting some pictures I have up for display for family members that have internet access. I'm wondering what's a good file size for a picture (or DPI) for people to see it on their computers. I know when I compare the picture to what I've scanned in, the quality just isn't there. This is at 300 DPI or about 250kb.

    Any suggestions on how to improve picture quality?

    ~kiry... "Kiting Karana while 200 people rez" "Negative Attitude" "Demoralizing" "Uninvolved" "Stealing your Lunch Money!"

  2. #2
    Hoss EQ depen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Muncie, Indiana
    Screen resolution is 72dpi. If isn't going to be printed, and displayed on the screen only 72 is all you need.
    Never underestimate how complicated simple life can be...

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