Oldmanska Dwarf Hunter Extraordinaire
Oldmanksa Armory
Ok fine, I'm not that mean. <3
post more rl pics skaara!
Ok fien I will! geeez calm down okayz?! /looks for digital camera
Oldmanska Dwarf Hunter Extraordinaire
Oldmanksa Armory
Warning: These photos were taken by a bad photographer with a bad camera in bad lighting. Extended viewing may cause servere optical damage. If you experience headaches or dizziness after viewing this material please consult a physician immediately.
My ugly mug...
My cheezy side...
Oldmanska Dwarf Hunter Extraordinaire
Oldmanksa Armory
those pics are old! geeeez wtf scary in second one =/ <3
My camera is dumb, it thinks we're still in 2004. I took those like 5 minutes ago really I did.
Oldmanska Dwarf Hunter Extraordinaire
Oldmanksa Armory
these boots are made for dancing! and thats just wot dey do!
Aka Vestax,Wixx,Penix,Roflcopterz 0_o
Aka Vestax,Wixx,Penix,Roflcopterz 0_o
"Europe's Number 1 Biker Party"? You have bikes there? I thought it was just mopeds. Thing's probably sponsored by Vespa.
You may want to check out Shambhala if you ever happen to be in Western Canuckia: http://www.shambhalamusicfestival.com/
It`s run by the hells angels... Was fuckin awesome event.. no police allowed in
fuckin ace weekend!
Aka Vestax,Wixx,Penix,Roflcopterz 0_o
I want boots like that, Vest. What mob do they drop off of?
Vinilaa ~the~ Soulbreaker
This thread both confuses and infuriates me!
Rock Superstar
Third Person View
As requested, RL pic from a couple months ago
More Pics
Me and the ex
What was left of my car
and of course, cause this is Hoss, Me very drunk