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Thread: Rotation Schedule

  1. #41
    statue dead last night
    Thanatoz the Tyrant

  2. #42
    Registered User
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    Nov 2001

    Talking Trak / Sev

    plz add Honed we would like to have a turn at wackin their scaley asses thank you
    Danst Stonesoul

    “The gods do not protect fools. Fools are protected by more capable fools.”
    Larry Niven

  3. #43
    Done to Here

  4. #44
    gonna have to pass on statue since we'll be starting tov tonight..
    70 Rogue/GM of L`Malla

  5. #45
    Administrator Andaas's Avatar
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    After looking over the list a bit and seeing:

    ML (P2-12/28)
    Vind (12/28)
    Hoss (P8-12/26)
    L`Malla (12/27)

    I thought perhaps it was time to step out of this rotation, at least for now. We can never seem to find the time to go after him... and since so few have the faction needed for GoDS, its just not worth the effort atm for Hoss.
    Firanja - Medicor Mortuus
    Andaas Taranis - Druidicus Corpsus
    Andae - Clericus Inanimis

  6. #46


    Trak should be up post-patch. VE will use our January 1-day extension for him. We'll be killing him friday night

  7. #47
    Registered User
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    Dozeker the Cursed down to NI at approx 12:30AM EST. As far as I know, they are working on killing nameds as I type this
    Lylala Raindancer
    Hierophant, daughter of Tunare
    "Druids do it better!"

  8. #48
    we failed on KT
    Thanatoz the Tyrant

  9. #49
    Administrator Andaas's Avatar
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    Raids ran late tonight and didn't make it around to Lendi.
    Firanja - Medicor Mortuus
    Andaas Taranis - Druidicus Corpsus
    Andae - Clericus Inanimis

  10. #50
    Just wanted to take the time to say to Andaas that I hate him, and wish many MORE deaths during large encounters~

    On that note, I guess I"m passing Yel and lend since we're busy with tov..and to think, I thought it would actually work out and the various rotation stuffs would hit us after tov ended heh. (that is unless someone wants to trade 'em? huh huh wink wink nudge nudge?)
    70 Rogue/GM of L`Malla

  11. #51
    Registered User
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    Rossville, GA

    HoT Named Mobs

    Since we finally got Dozeker last night, we were intending to kill the named mobs in ToV for other quest items. Too many had to log after Doze tho and we weren't able to get them.

    Since we have always understood that they were considered part of the Dozeker rotation and have tried to avoid them during regular HoT runs, we would appreciate them being left up until tonight when we will bring a force in to kill them.

    Thank you.
    Lylala Raindancer
    Hierophant, daughter of Tunare
    "Druids do it better!"

  12. #52
    Registered User
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    Jul 2001
    Rossville, GA
    Please add us to the Statue rotation. We want to try this guy out.

    Lylala Raindancer
    Hierophant, daughter of Tunare
    "Druids do it better!"

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