Whether you respect me or not Danst, I could care less. After all, I did fight for your freedom of speech. But per the guide lines on these boards, and here is the cut and past just in case you cant find it:
If you are interested in fighting one of these mobs, this is the place to post intentions. Do not post intentions if you cannot follow through, or give timely notice if your plans change (ie, >24 hours).
For mobs that we all agree should be handled in this fashion, whichever guild was last to kill the specified mob give a 24 hour time frame upon respawn for others to make an attempt (not 24 hours per guild, just a single 24 hour period).
This 24 hour period can be waived if the repeating guild confirms with other proven capable guilds that they are not interested in the spawn on respawn day.
That is the guide line that is put up by these boards, not by me. So if you are not going to respect the request of another guild who is capable of killing him, then you are disrespecting the guide lines set up for these mobs. These were in place long before Honed was able to even think about taking out Upper Guk.
And its ok Danst, we dont need your respect, just stay out of our way.