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Thread: How to combat Vindication's FFA

  1. #1

    How to combat Vindication's FFA

    Mythic Legion prefers a return to a rotation system.

    My assumption here is that others on this board prefer a rotation system over FFA as well, or you wouldn't be here.

    This is ML's proposition:

    1) Retain the current rotation schedules as they stand, with the removal of Vindication.

    2) If you become aware that a rotation mob has spawned, you immediately post on this board (for documentation only), and notify the next guild on the rotation list in /TELLs.

    3) That guild gets 5 minutes to consider a response upon receipt of the /tell. If the next guild is not able to commit to initiating that encounter within a reasonable time (< 1 hour), they pass and are required to tell the next guild on rotation.

    If an IGB representative is not involved in the decision, someone needs to take responsibility for continuing the information chain.

    4) If we get through the whole rotation list, and everyone has "passed", someone needs to initiate a "cooperative effort" to kill the mob. Whether that's 2 guilds, or 7 guilds, the purpose is to make sure the mob dies, leaving one less mob for Vindication. A mob killed by cooperation does not count as a rotation spot.

    5) After the mob dies, the guild that makes the kill posts here as before. Mob kill dates need to stay as "secret" as possible within the IGB community. That information is worth more than gold to a FFA guild.

    We are all aware that it only takes one guild to break from a rotation to plunge everything into a FFA.

    However, by following the above steps we retain the spirit of the rotation, while ensuring that mobs don't stay up long enough to become a target for Vindication.


    Knowing when mobs were killed, and their spawn times, is what will carry us through this, and kill Vindication.

    That's one reason why they are anon/role. Less chance of the community knowing what they killed, and when, so that they can keep track of spawn times while we remain in the dark.

    I still haven't decided what policy to set within ML regarding /role (/anon will *never* be a policy, we have no reason to hide our guildtag). Obviously there's less of a chance that Vindication knows when something dies if they don't know where the other guilds are. And although we know how easily information leaks on this server, it still may be possible to get some kills past them without them being aware.

    In essence, I believe that these IGB policy changes will retain the spirit of a rotation, which at its core is meant to allow us to stay out of each other's business without creating spawn conflicts.

    We continue to follow the rotation, but far less time is allowed to give notice of "pass".

    And we need to be responsible enough to pass on spawn info to the next guild in line, and be certain the information flow is not hindered.


  2. #2
    Also, this link needs to go away:

    As convenient as it is for us, it allows Vindication the golden information they need to wreak their havoc.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Talking !

    Last edited by DanstHoned; 01-23-2002 at 11:56 AM.
    Danst Stonesoul

    “The gods do not protect fools. Fools are protected by more capable fools.”
    Larry Niven

  4. #4
    I can remove the dates from that post Roh, and perhaps place them in a separate thread? Either way, I agree, that thing is too good for Vind to be able to claim jump the entire IGB at anytime.

  5. #5

    Hands in the air!

    VE Gladly supports this policy as well. Rohaise, I like how you think.

    Perhaps, as a way to further this little battle, each guild should list their primary contact, including email addresses, ICQ, etc to allow enhanced response time.


  6. #6
    Re going /anon

    Vindi couldn't see out strength at any given time.

    Makes it harder to gather a kill force of our own.
    Rotations are based on trust. That argues against anon.

    VE policy is to not use anon. I don't see us changing that.

  7. #7
    We'd need a loot policy for shared kills.

    Idea one: all guilds present 'in force' /random for pick order and alternate loot picks. Each guild then divvies its picks per its own rules.

    A guild could get loot from a mob they can't normally kill -- but then again thats better than Vindi getting all the loot :P

    Possible modification : guilds that aren't capable of killing the mob themselves bump to last in the pick order.

    Anyway, just ideas!

  8. #8
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Rossville, GA
    NI will fully support ANYTHING that keeps rotations going. If any other guild needs help EVER, especially if it is in an effort to keep Vindi from screwing them over, NI will help for sure if we are able at the time. Contacts for NI btw are as follows:
    Lylala Raindancer
    Hierophant, daughter of Tunare
    "Druids do it better!"

  9. #9

    VE Contacts

    VE Raid Contacts {in no specific order}

    Blambil -

  10. #10
    ML Raid contacts:


    No particular order.

  11. #11
    CDO is willing to abide by these guidelines as well. Our first Ragefire is soon to come up, and really hate to lose it due to some suido guild.

    Raid contacts on-line are:

    Or any other officer on-line can assist.

    Vindi did take down Statue in Kael, and left AoW running around last night.

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