Well, as you all know Vindi decided to jump our NToV rotation mobs early yesterday afternoon, and at the same time, declared themselves off rotations and going FFA, as if there was any doubt by their actions. Later that evening they killed IG's Tormax rotation.
While the IGB could maybe have held with just opne rogue guild, Hoss also declared their favor of FFA, on all but NToV. Which really is interesting considering that Andaas had told several of us that Hoss would pull Vulak to zone in if they got the chance while we were fighting with Vindi. Thus I question Hoss's commitment to the IGB, which they host. Let alone they knew vindi's intentions but denied it, nor did they seek to prevent it or notify us.
Thus, it is my thought that for the time being the IGB cannot function, and maybe never will again. Lines have already been drawn. You wanted FFA vindi, congratulations, you have it, but your near-sightedness will only end up costing you dearly in the end. Your "sneak attack" will only work once, I hope you enjoyed it, because I promise you, it is the last time you will catch us off guard.
As for the IGB, I would like to see it reestablished in the future, but I am not so naive to think it will function as long as Vindi exists. The IGB was built on trust, and it was torn down in one action.
There are more guilds than just us and Vindi on the IGB, and L`malla is not one to act for selfish reasons. If the IGB has any hope of working again, we will need the cooperation of the other guilds, and that means input here and now. In game tells or on these boards. Consider carefully... this is the future of YOUR server at stake.