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There's only one thing to talk about.
If Vind insists on staying FFA, and Hoss is sitting on the fence, and L`Malla with Dlgoth's return yesterday accepts that FFA is now inevitable, then we're all going to have to live with FFA and the consequences.
I'm not going to waste any more breath or time than I already have on the IGB forum trying to convince you folks that FFA is not in the best interests of the server, or our individual guilds.
ML has already stated its position.
We'll abide by a rotational system honorably, or we'll fight tooth and nail, with all the personnel we can muster, at any time of the night or day, to ensure that what Vindication did to L`Malla will not happen to us.
If it comes down to it, we will fight Vindication on each and every ToV N spawn, as we know that if we're not there breaking the zone, they will be.
Rotations or mayhem.
Simple choice, to me.
In the current state, yes, I do see FFA as inevitable. Do I want FFA? I dunno really. At first I didn't, but we're not hurting by it atm.
Is this because instead of running around shouting L`Mythic like Wrait did (all the while making himself look like a moron imo), we instead killed CT last night that means I'm pro FFA? It's called something to do under the current environment. Ya'll were in NToV all night, Lend and Doze were killed by Vind, someone (Hoss I think?) killed Tormax, and we did Yel, but it was early so hey, why curl up and die? ML was up for CT, but it was obvious you were in NTov all night, so why sit back and let Vind get him?
Don't misunderstand me, I enjoyed the Rotation system. It allowed us to not rush around like headless chickens from one raid to the next, it allowed our pst people to come to raids, etc, but the CURRENT STATE of things right now is not rotation, so I'm going to adapt. If somehow we decide to go back to a rotation and FFA ends, then fine, back to rotations. But the last thing I'm going to do right now is curl up and die because Vind wants to play big bully on the playground.
Make no mistake here. I have no issues whatsoever with ML. For the last few months I have had no issues with Hoss either. Hell, Sirensa and I have said things to each other lately without including rude remarks back and forth, I think that should say something
. I'm not a huge fan of joint raids though...I went through that with CN. I'm sure there are STILL some now NI once CN members cursing my name for reasons they have no idea over. We worked together fine, we stopped working together amicably, yet CN decided to start hating me and my guild and rant on and on about how "they made us" (mmm ok). Long story short, I'm not going through that again.
If assistance is requested, then as long as we're not knee deep in the middle of a raid, I have no problem with it. If for some reason we request assistance, Whomever might want to assist will be thanked graciously.
This clear anything up?
Last edited by Dlgoth Riknueth; 01-24-2002 at 12:02 PM.
70 Rogue/GM of L`Malla
Welcome to the fence, Dlgoth! =D
I dont think we are playing "big bully", I think if you really think about it Dl you'd realize this situation will be better for L`malla Hoss Mythic and Vindication in the long run. Not to say it will be great for VE NI IG ect, but we play this game the way is designed. If ubers were a couple day spawn we would never even have this situation to deal with.
We do have this to deal with though, so we made the hard decision and changed like we thought we had to. I realize to some we will be the bad guy, but this change had to be done.
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