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Thread: To kick things off...

  1. #1
    Administrator Andaas's Avatar
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    To kick things off...

    Months ago on one of Mythic's first NToV raids, there was an issue with one of the NToV wyverns being left out in the open areas of ToV which cause many problems for guilds raiding there that day. At that time, two kos to all wyverns were left inside the doorway to the Halls of Testing, which I believe caused all sorts of problems for Imperial Guard attempting Dozekar. It was mentioned back then, and Mythic denied responsibility for it... but it was something that I remember and felt was important to bring up.

    There had been no further problems with this until today, when a kos to all wyvern was left in the pit of the west wing. This caused at least 2 Imperial Guard members and 2 Hoss members to die for no reason other than the carelessness of the guild operating in NToV today.

    As I camped tonight, a guildmates corpse was resting in the 4-way next to said wyvern - and will very likely require a summon tomorrow to retrieve it (btw, the other Hoss member killed earlier today require two corpses to be summoned).

    Why was this wyvern left in the public areas of the zone? There is no reason for this outside of inconveniencing other guilds as the wyvern in question can easily be moved into one of the 4 alcoves in the open area, or even placed in a secured area withing NToV. Leaving the wyvern in the outer area shows a complete disregard to others that use the zone.
    Firanja - Medicor Mortuus
    Andaas Taranis - Druidicus Corpsus
    Andae - Clericus Inanimis

  2. #2
    The only time we have to move a wyvern today, I was informed it had been moved into North wing a bit more, not out.

    I'm not sure how it got out, but later on that same wyvern (I suspect) was parked at HoT, and killed several VE. By the time this occurred, ML was deep into the ring, so i can say without a doubt we didn't put it at HoT.

  3. #3
    Administrator Andaas's Avatar
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    Regardless of how it got out, it got out, and is still out.

    This wyvern probably killed 10+ people today, and is STILL an issue to the zone. Your guild was in NToV today, I think it is your responsibility to move the wyvern out of the main passages of ToV.
    Firanja - Medicor Mortuus
    Andaas Taranis - Druidicus Corpsus
    Andae - Clericus Inanimis

  4. #4
    Lots of guilds were in ToV N today.

    Please don't preach to ML about "responsibility". That's absurd, considering your recent BS.

    Andaas says:

    "Leaving the wyvern in the outer area shows a complete disregard to others that use the zone."

    Here's my version:

    "Killing Ventani shows a complete disregard to others that would use the zone."

    No one knows where the Wyvern came from. ML's members have been killed because of "Wyvern jokes" in ToV that we suspect Hoss and Vind have played on us, and we didn't come whining about it on this forum.

    Bringing up something like this to deflect attention from your own recent actions or to put ML on the defensive is a cheap, transparent tactic.

    "Bad ML! See what they did? Bad kitty!"

    Just kill the Wyvern and move on. Get a clue.

    ML officers - don't respond again to this post, please. What a joke.

    Last edited by Baramos1; 01-24-2002 at 05:07 AM.

  5. #5
    I'm pretty sure Vindi put it there. I saw Taurean (Vindi monk) running into west wing with it on his tail. That was about 10 minutes before I CRed Buazag and Alestair. Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough on the screenshot key.

  6. #6
    Just curious here, but wtf are you guys talking about? Why are NToV mobs leaving NToV for any reason? It's not like you are parking Vyemm so you can kill Vulak with him up, just kill the damn thing if it's your turn and move on.

    Jesus on the dashboard
    Whenever it feels right

  7. #7
    Taur did not train that wyvern anywhere, we had no reason to be in Ntov that day, we were there for Doz and Lend.

  8. #8
    Ah ok.

    I must have been seeing things. Maybe the VI dev team wrote a special animation that shows Tauren running around with a wyvern on his ass.

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    Grazel just knock it off. It's understandable that my guild's decision to go FFA is rather disappointing to you. After all, you and your guild will actually have to earn what you kill now and forego the handouts to which you were becoming so accustomed. I am truly deeply very sorry for that, from the bottom of my heart. That said, suck it up and stop your bitching and whining. Your flaming is accomplishing nothing, well nothing more than clogging this important medium of communication with your senseless drivel, and pithy grudge. Please stop, thanks!

  10. #10
    If you want to regard the truth as a flame, feel free.

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