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Thread: Sports MMO

  1. #1

    Sports MMO

    Don't know enough about it just yet, but I'm gonna post this here so I can check it out later. If anyone gets to it before I do post about what it is about please.
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  2. #2
    Registered User Domathoine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Basically a web-based madden, without the play-to-play.

  3. #3
    Hoss's Resident Historian Gheltire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BOOM! It's on its back!

    /roll character
    hrm...kindof fast, not too big though...decent hands

    woohoo I'm gonna be a Dimeback!

    /ooc anyone needing a dimeback? maybe I could return a punt or two or something?

    /ooc1 dude you suck I wouldn't even put a dimeback on kick coverage, why didn't you roll a kicker?

    /ooc2 seriously Dimeback, no one runs that anymore unless it's late in the game. What are your speed and hands stats?

    /ooc 74 speed 65 hands

    /ooc1 ROFL why don't you go eat some cheeseburgers and play defensive line

    /ooc5 LFM to fill out Bears 85 offense! Send tells with stats need WR, DT/RB, HOF RB, and QB with dark shades

  4. #4
    is this how it really was?
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  5. #5
    Hoss's Resident Historian Gheltire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    only if you were an enchanter for the first year of the game

    replace "what are your stats" with "do you have EQ/AM3?" and you have the ranger!

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