Thats it, Andaas is being biased...
Now on a serious note...over on every monkey and their brother has decided to take it up on themselves to decide how and what and where the IGB should be.
Long story short, I don't care MUCH where it's hosted, but I'm not going to deal with a PUBLIC IGB.
The IGB should stay private to the leaders and selected officers of each guild and it should remain that way.
Many discussions that happen on these boards are things that should ONLY be discussed between the leaders/officers of guilds, and not everyone in the guild needs to read about it. We are the leaders/officers of our guilds for a reason, and if the members don't have faith in us to do our jobs and settle disputes without trying to peep over our shoulders, then there's no point having any form of hierarchical structure.
While we're at it, the threads in this forum (save this thread) need to be archived. Clean slate here. Access to any Vindication member should be removed totally, and the other forum that was started temporarily needs to be removed.
Frankly, I don't give two shits if its hosted on Hoss's boards. It does Hoss no amount of good to have it here (other than upping their post counts to gain stars )
If we're going to start up the IGB again, the mudslinging needs to come to an end. We all keep talking about being adults and thats why we want rotations, but the crap being spewed on between each other isn't very adult, and neither is this my way or the highway bullshit. We need to discuss this and come to an agreement, not guilds a and b agree with guild c's views. ALL of us need to agree TOGETHER. It's really not that tough here.