52 days 9 hours 04 minutes 23 sec until kick off that is all!!!
52 days 9 hours 04 minutes 23 sec until kick off that is all!!!
28 Days 21 Hours 36 Mins 29 Secs
Nooo, we'll be 5-0 (we better be) before we face our first real competition. In four of our last six games we'll face Top 14 teams in the current pre-season poll.
the eyes of Texas are upon you (like 45 of em to your 35!!)
Mizzo is tough, I could see you guys losing that game.....but ya, that is one tough month for Texas.
Very nice! And what a great game! Should be a fun month to watch!
Talas Pennysnatcher
colt only had like 5 incompletes tonight and I think he either threw them to make Chase feel better or to help some ballboy score points with a nearby cheerleader