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Thread: Hawks win!!

  1. #1

    Hawks win!!

    That right!!

    HAWKS WIN THE STANLEY CUP!!! Great series and hats off to Philly.

  2. #2
    Hoss Officer / WoW
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Was a great game tonight. Now I can start paying attention to the raid again.

  3. #3
    People still watch hockey?
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Lonskils View Post
    People still watch hockey?
    Ya, I guess so

    "An estimated 2 million fans turned out Friday to cheer for the Blackhawks, holding a boisterous parade and rally to honor the National Hockey League champions who beat the Philadelphia Flyers in overtime Wednesday to win the series 4-2."

    The pic below is down Washington Street in Chicago. This was taken right after the buses went past on the parade and people took over the streets for the celebration.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Hawks Parade.jpg 
Views:	369 
Size:	41.3 KB 
ID:	6738  

  5. #5
    That's 2 million Darwin awards that need to be handed out.
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  6. #6

    With the Nielsen nationals in, The Stanley Cup Final Game 6 is officially the most-watched and highest-rated NHL Game in 36 years. It was watched by 8.3 million viewers and drew a 3.2/10 in adults 18-49.

    Compared to

    The Super Bowl was watched by more than 106 million people, surpassing the 1983 finale of “M-A-S-H” to become the most-watched program in television history.
    The Nielsen Co. estimated Monday that 106.5 million people watched the New Orleans Saints upset the Indianapolis Colts


    Hockey's great!!

    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  7. #7
    Teenagers are God's punishment for enjoying sex.

    Talk shit, get hit.

  8. #8
    Ya, I guess I would rather watch hockey over football when football players are thugs, murderers, drug dealers, meth heads, steroid freaks, like to rape women.........

    and oh ya.... ARE WAY OVERPAID.

    Hockey players are just young kids who like to get drunk and fight on the ice.

    2 million people showing up to celebrate a title is fucking awesome. Sorry you don't see it that way.


    I never once put up Nielsen ratings..... READ MY POST. I SAID 2 MILLION SHOWED UP FOR THE CELEBRATION.

    I guess they do grow them big and dumb in Texas.

  9. #9
    Well I could show how many folks showed up to the super bowl winning saints parade if that would make you feel better? It's funny, I did not attack you personally, yet you felt the need to not only attack me by calling me dumb, but attack the entire state inwhich I live that whether or not folks being dumb in is up for debate, but as far as feeling this recession and having jobs when other states don't, I'll live here for eternity before i move to Ill! Enjoy that Hockey parade though. I'm sure there are no Hockey thugs, meth freaks etc etc.
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Lonskils View Post
    Well I could show how many folks showed up to the super bowl winning saints parade if that would make you feel better? It's funny, I did not attack you personally, yet you felt the need to not only attack me by calling me dumb, but attack the entire state inwhich I live that whether or not folks being dumb in is up for debate, but as far as feeling this recession and having jobs when other states don't, I'll live here for eternity before i move to Ill! Enjoy that Hockey parade though. I'm sure there are no Hockey thugs, meth freaks etc etc.


    Next time respond to what was written. You said
    Quote Originally Posted by Lonskils View Post
    People still watch hockey?
    and I showed you that SOME do. Who cares if Nielsen "showed" 8 million people watching the game vs 150'ish million for the Super Bowl. Maybe you should also show out of that 150'ish million that watched that game, approx. 70% watched simply to throw a party or to watch the commercials.

    You can show all the people you want who went to the Saints parade. I watched it on TV since I used to live an hour from there. There was in NO WAY more than 1/2 the people at that parade than was in Chicago for the Hawks.

    As for living in Texas vs Illinois?? Ya, I cannot aruge with that one. Illinois is full of bleeding liberals who want to take my gun and 80% of my check to give to people who sit around all day and mass produce children while smoking crack...but having visited Houston a few times. I still contend that there are quite a few big dumb ass people in Texas (not different than anywhere else).

  11. #11
    You picked the one city in the state that everyone wants to disown!!! I was making a wisecrack about hockey as I really didn't even know they ever started playing again after they went on strike (really!!!) They had to have lost a lot of viewers then. I'm sure just as many of the 8 million that watched the Hawkes play were throwing partys as well! And you are right, if 2 million folks were standing on the parade fields at the Saints thing the whole state would have sank!
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  12. #12
    Administrator Andaas's Avatar
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    Comparing the super bowl to any other US team sport championship is like comparing apples to oranges. Other US team sports play in a best-of-seven series -- and while viewership is likely higher for baseball and basketball vs. hockey, the super bowl is a single "big game" and has a lot more hype built up around it.

    For what it's worth, the 2006 FIFA World Cup final was viewed by an estimated 715.1 million people (again, a single "big game" versus a 4+ game series).
    Firanja - Medicor Mortuus
    Andaas Taranis - Druidicus Corpsus
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  13. #13
    So, what you are saying is Soccer is > everything else?

    Teenagers are God's punishment for enjoying sex.

    Talk shit, get hit.

  14. #14
    Administrator Andaas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabertootth View Post
    So, what you are saying is Soccer is > everything else?
    How about: Football gets more viewers than all sports combined? Makes everyone happy, and is accurate.
    Firanja - Medicor Mortuus
    Andaas Taranis - Druidicus Corpsus
    Andae - Clericus Inanimis

  15. #15
    Hoss Officer / WoW
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    Soccer is boring as hell to watch, fun to play but why the fuck would you watch it. Rugby is so much better and yet gets no viewership.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Valdis View Post
    Soccer is boring as hell to watch, fun to play but why the fuck would you watch it. Rugby is so much better and yet gets no viewership.

    No passing really, that is the only reason the NFL is so popular imo. Passing.
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  17. #17
    Hoss Officer / WoW
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    I prefer a solid smash mouth tackle to watching a pretty pass... Then again I'm from Chicago where for years the only thing we could say was at least we fucked the other team up.

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