Since everyone is doing this lately her you all go! Imp will be pleased.
Since everyone is doing this lately her you all go! Imp will be pleased.
Ok, in June 2003, we killed Coirnav for the first time in Plane of Water!
I have a few oldies. Here is proof that Valdis can dps when he wants to.
11/21/2005 Arly <3 and what Tarissa said was pretty funny too.
2/22/2005 Taking a quick break.
And the only name I can see is that God awful Shaman that blew up and deguilded during her trial period then followed us to wow and trained bosses around because she didn't believe in strats.... Ah Wyndee, What was her Pally's name in WoW? I know you fucks remember that crazy bitch.
I rememer doing the wall glitch to get over and take the shortcut.
Teenagers are God's punishment for enjoying sex.
Talk shit, get hit.