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Thread: Comic Con Batman Vs. Superman

  1. #1

    Comic Con Batman Vs. Superman

    Makes me want to go see it now...

  2. #2
    They've taken way to long between the Superman movie and this one. 5 years is too long. Superman isn't even fresh in anyone's head right now. And we are still a year off. Hopefully they ramp up soon and start putting them out or they'll never match Marvel's boxoff and no one will care if they do ot don't if this winds up being another Green Arrow. God what Donkey shit that movie was.
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  3. #3
    PANTS!!!!!! Aindayen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Trailer looks bad ass. I think you mean Green Lantern Lons.

  4. #4
    Yeah, the Green Arrow TV series is bad ass, Green Lantern was the piece of shit movie, you are right.
    Ab alio spectes alteri quod feceris

  5. #5
    The new trailer that just came out is pretty good!

    Elkwood Level 70 Druid

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