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Thread: Dozekar and North Tov

  1. #1

    Dozekar and North Tov

    Yesterday we visited our good friend Dozerkar the Cu~ wasnt much of a fight as always and dropped 4 tears.

    Now being on dragon faction can get old quickly, killing the same mobs over and over so we decided to spend some time in ntov.

    Ikatiar the Venomed died without much of a fight and dropped Ancient Wyvern Leggins and some dagger (forgot name, sue me)

    Grats Zyklan on legs and Exxile on dagger.

    Next target was Eashen from the sky, killed him too and received 1 pair of gauntlets and a bracer from him.

    Gauntlets went to Elkay and Opiie got bracer

    By then it was too late but i think we will give Aryonar (sp?) a shot tomorrow.

    Great work everyone!

    Also look at Rhedds new surename =o:
    (screenshot by elkay)

    Errr before i forget... Grats Rika on her ST key from last Zlandicar slaying.
    Last edited by vegu; 08-03-2001 at 12:52 AM.

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