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Thread: Dragons and Giants

  1. #1

    Dragons and Giants

    Lendi Spawned today, trying to keep her ST key all for herself not willing to share! Now thats something we cant take so we went to ToV and keeled her~

    Loot was two Breastplates and the Talisman for the St ket
    Grats Klerik and Tinguren on their BPs and Slippy on his ST key.

    Next Location was Kael because we heard Vindicator was talking shit =\

    Well to answer your question ... Not you.
    He died and dropped some Boots (finally~) for Barlo, grats Professor =)

    Aedail got head to sell it to some who needed.

    Last edited by vegu; 08-15-2001 at 12:06 AM.

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