No particular order - but this is what has been agreed upon.
I. Adding a New rotation:
a. New Mobs: The guild or guilds that have solely been accomplishing a mob will start out the rotation. As each new guild decides to try thier hand at the mob, thier name is added with a "join date". The new Joiner is added in the spot of the current rotation but must wait one full rotation before being "up" for the spawn.
b. Old Mobs: When postings for a mob become out of control (ie - booked for a month of spawns), or otherwise appear to be greatly "wanted", the mob can be placed on the rotation schedule. The guild who last killed the mob goes first with the date of last kill, followed by the rest of the IGB members who are interested in no particular order.
II. Skipping Rotation
Any guild who takes a mob out of the normal rotation will be noted to have "skipped rotation" with the date of kill. They will then have been considered to have already had thier turn in that rotation and will not get another turn on the date that they are actually "up". Further consequences for repeating this action have not yet been discussed.
III. Failing Rotation
Every guild has a choice to either take or pass the mob on thier rotation. Sometimes a guild is unable to complete the kill and thus is considered to ave "failed". If a guild fails or passes 3 times in a row - they must then sit out the next full rotation before trying again. If a guild knows they will be passing - it is requested that they let the next guild know as early as possible - so as not to waste a spawn day.
IV. Getting Help
This one is kinda hazy - I THINK we decided that more than 5 people from another guild at a raid is considered to be "help."
If a guild gets obvious help from another the 2 guilds need to claim only one spot in the rotation (ie - pass on the other guilds rotated spot). I'm not sure we ever came to a full agreement on this one.
V. Time
A guild has a reasonable amount of time to finish a mob without being "rushed" before the next guild in line can step in place. Basically this means that a guild can't try for 4 hours on Monday night and then post that they are still going to try some more on Tuesday. If the force of the guild leaves the zone (death doesn't count), then they are considered to have "failed" and the next guild in line can step in the following day. "Reasonable amount of time" varies - but basically a guild has until the end of the current day to complete the spawn.
That is all I can remember - did I miss anything?