Momentary? They managed to design and stock an entire line of clothes in their "momentary lapse"!
Don't worry! They'll take the clothing line off the shelves once they come up with a new line - but not before!!
"and did not realize that the Nazi symbols would be considered offensive"
talk about living under a rock..
I wonder if they would consider a Mao-themed bondage line offensive?
Ok, before I read the article I was thinking that 'ok, mebbe they are just using a swastika, which is actually an ancient indian symbol, etc'.
Nope, these guys went the full 9 yards there.
Stunningly moronic.
You guys are just jealous of my Pol Pot line of cookware.
Actually, I believe it's the mirror image of the swastika that was a previous, non malevolent symbol, the Nazi's flipped it from crossed "Z"s to crossed "S"s.
But yeah, there's no mistaking they were using Nazi imagery here.
Yea the dumb fucks upstairs probably thought "HEY, any publicity is GOOD publicity" last said by some other jackass before going outa business.
Yeah, the Nazi version is going in the other direction and is rotated to a diamond shape instead of a square. Native American version means "bravery"
My understanding is that the nazis didn't really change the symbol as much as they perverted it. The nazi's version of the swastika (left handed) has been around forever. It's only a byproduct of the Nazis that made the symbol so taboo.
Never underestimate how complicated simple life can be...
I agree with Liyon. Nobody is so fantastically stupid that they think nobody will be offended by designing clothing like that. It's very likely just a shock publicity stunt... to get them enough attention - good or bad - to bolster the sales of their real stuff.
Or they're just fantastically stupid.
Every single post I make.. my stars get nerfed more and more.
Quote taken from gemmi, Looks like they screwed up a little on implementing this /grin.think everyone should start with 2k posts and it should go down not up every post after that!
It doesn't really matter where the swastika derived from. No matter how it's shaped, like a cube, like a diamond, like an apple, people WILL think of Nazi's when they see it, and they WILL consider it offensive. It's simple as that.
does that mean i have uber stars?