Registered User

No, he's right Ciner.
All those dragons were up. Never made any sense what you were saying about being "slowed down" but I didn't care about it because I thought it was gay to argue the point.
You keep bringing up how you were "slowed down" by us, though, which is bullshit, and how we were there for over a week, which is bullshit. As it stands right now, Vindication is the only guild who didn't follow the proposed guidelines to the letter.
Fact is, the only thing slowing you down was the dragons, not ML. The other fact is that you felt like you'd been hosed out of getting some extra phat lewt because other guilds had patches. No one complained about your wrong perception, we just said hey, have fun. Get phat. Kill dragons. Hoorah.
Considering you're talking about getting along here, and the fact that folks have stepped aside for you and given your guild some leeway on NToV and on CT, I think you could show a bit of restraint on the FU's, and file away in your memory banks the consideration that both Hoss and ML are showing Vindication, for some future occasion.
Bara, it was agree'd Vindi was owe'd an Emergancy Patch repop shot at NToV. Why does it matter if its now or later? You folks got it now, we should also...
And, yes we we're slowed by your progress. If that wasn't the case why did it take 4 days to do what took 2 days when the mobs were up. Then we had to wait for Jor and Nev, then for Zlex Cek Sev, it was all a waiting game and annoying as hell.
The FU was a joke~ Our news ect.. we enjoy joking around sir Bara but as this is all in the past I see little reason to discuss it.
Registered User

I believe Ciner is doting on the fact that the reason the extra 2 days were arranged was in similarity to the emergency patch deal which was discussed in another thread.
For the first 2 turns on the rotation, taken by ML and Hoss, the question of dragon availability was much greater by both those guilds than by that which we encountered during our trip (this due to the patches which interjected themselves in the raids of ML and Hoss). The fact that only 2 dragons were killed in duplicate is irrelevant due to the availability factor.
In response to: ML giving their seal of approval to the 2 day extension..
Why would ML have been the overseer on this decision, considering that its Hoss currently up for the rotatation, and hence the arrangement was directed towards their agreement.
The issue of respawns was a vexing one, but something that everyone will have to eventually get used to in the future if patches become less frequent. We were interrupted several nights by either respawns, or long waits for such respawns. This issue is a side point and rather moot in the arrangements for the 2 days.
edit: misquote.
"If that wasn't the case why did it take 4 days to do what took 2 days when the mobs were up."
Dunno Ciner, why don't you tell us? Planets not in alignment?
Fact is, the only wait you should have seen was for the spawn of Jor/Nev, then the next day Zlex/Cek/Sev. Why it took you four days before that is something maybe you need to ask your l33tn355, cause the only blame there is your own. Don't pawn it off on ML.
And honestly, we aren't close enough for you to tell me FU and be considered joking in the slightest.
As Wyv aptly said, and I had said about 10 responses ago, it was due to the availability of dragons for you to kill.
Just cause you did not kill the six you could have in two days, do not act like your doing us a favor by giving us an equal oportunity.
And honestly, do you think I care weither you consider something a joke or not?
The point is, you were indeed done a favor, as the idea behind Vind getting a patch also was that it would come *during* one of your raids at some point as well. The favor was in giving you extra days *now*, rather than making you wait until the patch happened while you were in there.
And you must have cared, or you wouldn't have pointed out it was supposedly joking in the first place. You constantly try to excuse slams against other guilds/people with *I was joking*, and the excuse has worn very, very thin.
Anyhow, as has been pointed out, what is done is done, glad you managed to get more phatty for your *rebuild*.
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