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Thread: Rotation Schedule

  1. #121
    Administrator Andaas's Avatar
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    Baramos, you do not understand the intention of the unrotated list at all.

    Yes, 24 hours is sufficient time to garner forces to kill a spawn. However.... that same 24 hours is the space alloted for the previous killing guild to leave another guild to kill something.

    You seem to have pulled the intentions posted only when the mob has spawned thing out of thin air, as it isn't and has never been posted or stated anyplace until today.

    Without advance posting for something on that list it would not work, period.

    Here are some examples from the archives:

    Yendii posted on September 27, 2001 10:26 PM

    Would like a shot at Sont next time he pops in WW.
    Quintall posted on September 18, 2001 10:44 AM

    ML will be starting into N ToV 10/5, and likely be there all weekend to do the crawl.
    Andaas posted on September 21, 2001 12:18 AM

    Hoss is planning on hitting the Statue Friday night.
    Lorenia posted on September 23, 2001 11:47 AM

    Vindication wants a shot at sont next time hes up, also if nobody is looking at yelinak yet we'd like a shot at him when he spawns again.
    As you can see, people have been posting advance intentions on mobs based on speculated respawn since the list started.
    Firanja - Medicor Mortuus
    Andaas Taranis - Druidicus Corpsus
    Andae - Clericus Inanimis

  2. #122
    But Roh is pushing every single person left and right on almost every damn spawn.

    Then you expect us to be so very kind and respectful of ML's obviously "good intentions" when the time comes. Instead of remembering what a bitch Roh was about nearly every mob that pop'd?
    Enh? What does being proactive about spawn notifications have to do with not respecting our good intentions?

    Maybe you consider my tells of "hey, mobx is up" to be pushy. I consider them necessary to keep the rotations flowing without stalling out.

    My only goal is to expedite the killing of these mobs whenever possible. With 8 guilds on rotation in some cases, it only benefits everyone that they be knocked out as fast as possible.

    I don't know about your guilds, but every night ML kills everything we can get our hands on, and that the rotation allows, and we end up logging hoping there was more to do.

    Maybe you all get tired after one or two ubers, but ML could go all night.

    So pardon me if I end up being the "spawn police", and inform you when mobs pop. I'm just trying to ensure they don't sit around and rot when someone could be having fun killing them.

    It's not fun at all to have 70 people sitting around with nothing to kill, and knowing there's some dragon up somewhere that we can't kill because some other guild didn't have the courtesy to pass before wasting a day.

  3. #123
    Wyvern -

    What you see as "enforcer tactics" is our way of making sure you don't pull any bullshit on us. We're living by the rules, and you call it enforcer tactics? Get real, pal. And you're blaming the IGB for the fact that you guys behave like dickheads in general? Take a look at that POS webpage of yours brutha. Then tell me some more fairytales about how you want to engender good relations between ML and Vind. You want some leeway? Give some leeway. Simple enough equation.

    And yeah, the fact you didn't see that ML was being generous about NToV is another example of your blindness.

    ML could have said "hey, 7 days like everyone else. GTFO. We want some of those spawns." We haven't determined how we're gonna do "spawn rot protection" yet, so there is any number of things we could have thrown up to impede you folks. Sure, it was our business, because there are no clear rules there yet. You guys asked for an accomodation and got it, no sweat. We didn't make a peep until you acted like it was due you by grand design.

    My point here is that we have a preconception of Vindication as juvenile asses, and you haven't made it any better with your work on this board, so far.


  4. #124
    Andaas wrote:

    Baramos, Rohaise, please listen. Vindication wants to kill Yelinak next spawn, Hoss the spawn after... ML can have their way with Yelinak for weeks after that with no interference. What is the problem?
    You are obviously (still) forgetting that L`Malla asked to kill Yelinak, too.

    Go back and read all my posts arguing for a rotation of this mob, then add in your forgotten memory of L`Malla, and then let me know if you still think it should be unrotated.

    Not if "Hoss thinks". If "you think" as an impartial observer.

  5. #125
    Andaas -

    I perfectly understand the unrotated list.

    Quintall posted intentions not as part of a recognized non-rotation uber, but as a heads up.

    I did see people post for Sont and other things, and even knowing that they shouldn't be, decided not to "make waves".

    Strictly speaking, by the understanding at the time the rule was written, MOBs are called on pops for unrotated.


  6. #126
    Registered User
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    Damn I leave for an hour and look at the mess you all made.

    My comments - take them as you will:

    1. Yelinak should be rotated.

    Sure some guilds will pass more than not, but wtf, who cares. Yel was unrotated, ML killed the 23rd, Vindication asked for next, ML acknowledged, Hoss asked for one after, it's suggested to rotate. L'Malla asks to be added.

    Logical rotation fairness to me would be: Vind, Hoss, ML, L'Malla

    Because.. he was unrotated until after Vind and Hoss posted intentions, put on rotation before L'Malla asked, so ML should get another turn prior to L'Malla getting a shot.

    2. Tormax - different situation as it was already being rotated.

    Hoss cut Vind some slack because it was just us two. Yay playing nice.

    3. ST warders - different situation as they are already being rotated.

    ML has been willing to cut Hoss some slack because we really don't take our turn and they are playing nice. Yay playing nice.


    *laughs at Baramos for being a posting Enthusiast now*

    *passes around free Advil or Cocktails - take your pick*

    You guys posted so much I am not sure if my point is even valid anymore of not!



    When ST warders were on unrotated uber list and Hoss posted intentions within 24 hours of them spawning that we would be heading in that coming weeekend, ML followed up with a post that they already had plans to take them out the next night. Being annoyed that our posted intentions were not going to get us our chance when we wanted it, I asked for ST warders to be formally rotated, course that fucked us out from being able to take them on weekends, which works better for us, but it seemed the right thing to do when a spawn is contested.

    Yelinak is being contested. Seems the right thing to do is rotate him, whether everyone always takes their turn or not.

  7. #127
    you're blaming the IGB for the fact that you guys behave like dickheads in general?
    Sorry if you can't handle it, maybe you should try harder.

    tell me some more fairytales about how you want to engender good relations between ML and Vind
    So sorry, but we've never made any effort to get huggy kissy with ML, and at least we dont create the fact that we do to create an impetus for rambling bullshit like you do.

    GTFO. We want some of those spawns
    They would have been Hoss' spawns tough guy.

    My point here is that we have a preconception of Vindication as juvenile asses
    I'm happy for you, please feel comforted that you still fit the conception of unskilled, belligerent zerg guild to the letter. This shit with ML goes back to fennin ro, when you guys would try to race us to Nagafen spawns and then whine when we killed Vox all the time. Same shit different story.

  8. #128
    so, severilous up? :P
    -S McB

  9. #129
    Proved my point.

    kk thx~ la~~

    Have fun at Tormax tonight.


    Hey, how's Cinder?



  10. #130

    Dain Frostreaver IV is up.

    Dain - ML (10/20), Hoss (T-Vind), Vind (T-Hoss 10/22), L`Malla (F-10/19)

    No idea what that rotation list means, looks like Hoss is up? Or L`Malla? Not really sure.

  11. #131
    So when is the ML roster coming up Baramos? Or are you having trouble finding a server large enough to hold that kind of file.

  12. #132
    I love a large, extended family!

    In fact, we're recruiting now !

    Cheer us on!


  13. #133
    Alright, Dlgoth helped me to understand the cryptic codes.

    10/19 L`Malla (F)
    10/20 ML
    10/22 Hoss traded with Vindication
    10/22 Vindication killed
    10/25 - Hoss up!

  14. #134
    go team!

  15. #135
    Registered User
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    Sirens Ghetto
    Originally posted by Rohaise

    Dain Frostreaver IV is up.

    Dain - ML (10/20), Hoss (T-Vind), Vind (T-Hoss 10/22), L`Malla (F-10/19)
    Hoss is still in NToV tonight. We cannot make it to Dain. Good luck L'Malla.

  16. #136
    Not even worth it, like pounding your head against a wall trying to explain some stuff.

  17. #137
    Registered User
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    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by Quintall_ML
    Your rules, your interpretation (well, was before your time Wyvern).
    Quint go back to the ebay trash pile you came from, your just another ling for the zerg who wouldnt have aa clue about history, keep it real cracker.

    ML maybe you could like get another few hundred people to damge shield up and /q in brahs, good shit!

  18. #138
    Tormax dead, 10/25

  19. #139
    so uh, since Dain was kinda sprung on us, and by the time we got a chance to think about him, we didnt have the peeps (425 Dain), any chance we can wack him tomorrow? Dont think we sued our monthly pass yet, and well, month is about up

    *ducks the incoming flames*
    70 Rogue/GM of L`Malla

  20. #140
    Course, can use pass dl...

    Statue dead also.

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