all you people complaining about the first girl know damn well you wouldnt kick her out of bed for eating crackers.
i would if she wouldn't give me the damn TV remote
Rock Superstar
Third Person View
Rock Superstar
Third Person View
And she could be blonde - actually I'm gonna guess she is. She wouldn't even get in the bed, let alone eat crackers in it.
~kiry... "Kiting Karana while 200 people rez" "Negative Attitude" "Demoralizing" "Uninvolved" "Stealing your Lunch Money!"
I haven't seen the rest of her body/face so there is a very real chance cracker eating would earn her a veto...,18712.png
We need a plan...
We'll go in I'll hit things hard in the face and see where it takes us...
Yeah, that's actually the back end of Tony Danza.
~kiry... "Kiting Karana while 200 people rez" "Negative Attitude" "Demoralizing" "Uninvolved" "Stealing your Lunch Money!"